What was your reason for choosing to become an eyewear designer?
Laure: It wasn’t a difficult decision for me. I have enjoyed using my hands creatively since childhood. So it was clear that I would choose a creative profession. This passion, combined with a lot of patience, has made me the designer I am today.
Nicolas: I have wanted to be a product designer since I was 15 years old. I spent a lot of time drawing at that age, from watercolour landscapes to car sketches. Then, during my industrial design studies, I had to choose one field of industry to undertake an internship. I naturally chose an eyewear company because I grew up in the Jura Mountains in France where almost 80% of French spectacles are produced. I learned this job from several talented designers who passed their passion for these technical products on to me. Since then, I have never stopped imagining and sketching eyewear.

Where do you get your design inspiration from?
Laure: Like many designers, I get my inspiration from my secret websites and specialised blogs, but I also enjoy looking in very old books in arts and crafts libraries in Paris. I often discover fabulous treasures that have been left behind!
Nicolas: My design ideas are inspired by everything I like or what moves me. I love design items in any variation: sculptures, furniture, fashion, photography – everything can be very inspiring in terms of volume, colours and details. And quite often my ideas simply come from things that I happen to encounter in the street.
Stefania: The inspiration comes from everything around me. It really depends on the day… even just looking at people walking down the street can be very stimulating. Of course the internet is a great source for new ideas, but I also like to look at books about architecture and interior design. As soon as I get my inspiration boost, I try to put ideas down on paper using sketches and listening to good music to concentrate.
Matteo: My inspirations come from many different sources. I love reading art and design magazines and books and frequently visit exhibitions. Travelling is not only a part of my job, but also my private passion. The fashion and lifestyle in different cities and countries are a great source of inspiration.

What do you put your first focus on when you start designing new glasses?
Stefania: When designing new eyewear, I focus on a mix of different things, like the identity of the brand that I am working on plus the demands of the market in terms of materials, sizes and colours. Last but not least, I permanently keep an eye on future trends, so that the focus is always up to date.
Nicolas: I always pay special attention to the shape of the frame front. As a pair of glasses is worn in the middle of the face and is the first thing another person sees, it should support the wearer’s look positively and be in harmony with their face. You have to find a good dynamic, balance and beauty of line to ensure the creation of easy-to-wear frames.
Empathy also plays an essential role for me in the design process. I try to imagine that I am the one who wants to buy a new pair of glasses and think about what would be important to me as a customer. Sometimes I am a child, sometimes a woman, sometimes an old man – everyone has their own requirements and needs, even when buying a new pair of glasses.
Matteo: Before I begin to design an eyewear collection, I focus on who the final customer will be and the DNA of the brand I design for. Then, it’s all about the fusion of those elements, the trends and my inspiration.

Do you follow a certain design philosophy?
Laure: My philosophy is to do my best as if there was no second chance at success.
Stefania: I give everything to create something that makes people feel good. My head is full of crazy ideas, so I always try to put a healthy streak of insanityinto what I do. I like the “different” aspect; I like what is not conventional; I like thinking out of the box.
Matteo: My design philosophy is simplicity: I like products to have a clear look and function. Good design isn’t necessarily about complicated decorative elements and details but the perfect balance and function. That doesn’t mean that it’s easier to create. In fact, achieving a simple yet distinctive design with embedded technical elements can be very challenging.

What are your personal highlights as a designer?
Laure: The best moments in a designer’s life can happen at all stages. Sometimes I’m pleased when I draw a nice idea and I see my team senses the same potential in it. The arrival of prototypes is always a surprising and special moment too. However, my very best time as a designer was when I discovered the very first product designed by myself published in press articles... finally released onto the market… and looking even better than I ever dreamed. This is the culmination of a long process of development.
Stefania: One of my personal designer highlights is seeing and touching the prototype for the first time. This always makes me proud. And when the product is nominated to be included into the brand product range, it’s really satisfying too. Finally, if the product sells well and I see people on the street wearing it - this is a wonderful feeling!
Matteo: My personal highlight as a designer is seeing my drawings become the final products. It feels especially great to walk down the street and spot someone wearing glasses that I designed.